Kumar, Sudhir (Electrical Engineering),

Fundamentals of Internet of things / Sudhir Kumar. - 1 online resource : illustrations

The Internet of Things (IoT) networks have revolutionized the world and have innumerable real-time applications on automation. A few examples include driver-less car, remote monitoring of elderly people, remote order of tea/coffee of your choice from a vending machine, home/industrial automation amongst others. Fundamentals of Internet of Things build the foundations of IoT networks by leveraging the relevant concepts from Signal Processing, Communications, Networks, and Machine learning. The book covers two fundamental components of IoT networks, namely, the Internet and Things. In particular, the book focuses on networking concepts, protocols, clustering, data fusion, localization, energy harvesting, control optimization, data analytics, fog computing, privacy, and security including elliptic curve cryptography and blockchain technology. Most of the existing books are theoretical and without many mathematical details and examples. In addition, some essential topics of the IoT networks are also missing in the existing books. Features: The book covers cutting-edge research topics. Mathematical understanding of the topics in addition to relevant theory and insights. Illustrations with hand-solved numerical examples for visualization of the theory and testing of the understanding. Lucid and crisp explanation to cut down the study time of the readers. The book is a complete package of the fundamentals of IoT networks and builds the foundations. The book is suitable for graduate-level students and researchers who want to dive into the world of IoT networks.

9781003225584 1003225586 9781000507140 1000507149 9781000507102 1000507106

Internet of things.
COMPUTERS / Computer Engineering
COMPUTERS / Database Management / Data Mining
COMPUTERS / Networking / General

